What is reverse osmosis or commonly known as RO? It is a water filtering and purifying process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. The reverse osmosis water filter is commonly used to improve drinking water and for cooking. However, the effectiveness of the RO system really depends on the water pressure as well as the initial stages of pollution.
However, regardless of how much improvement RO does to the water, it still brings some disadvantages to the users. Though the reverse osmosis filter potentially clears minerals, it also removes minerals that are essential for our bodies. Besides that, the filtering also leaves chlorine behind. Although the water supposed to be purified and cleaned, you can still get the distinct chlorine smell occasionally which could be hazardous to our body if we kept on consuming lots of this. Sometimes, bacteria and viruses are also not removed from the water content by the RO filters that will cause various illnesses to us.
Bear in mind that reverse osmosis water filter uses a huge amount of water throughout the system. This RO water filtering process causes loss of large quantity of water. The treatment uses lots of water as it needed massive water pressure to push through the membrane. Experts prove that this system can only recover up to a maximum of 20 percent of the water going into the system. Besides that, the reverse osmosis water filter can be very expensive. Even if you truly want to protect your family, why waste money on expensive reverse-osmosis water filters where there are more affordable and better water filter system available?
Another disadvantage of using reverse osmosis filter is the wastage of electricity. It requires additional power being supplied to the pumps to pressurize the water entering the system. This means that both your electricity bill and water bill will go up higher! Besides that, RO water filter system frequently needs higher maintenance and it is therefore more costly to maintain than other normal water filter system.
You can see that there are many flaws and setbacks of getting a reverse osmosis water filter system for your home. So please take the time to do your research to consider other alternatives to RO filters. Aquasana offers a more advanced, complete and also more affordable water filtration and purification system to reverse osmosis filters.
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